Tuesday, June 12, 2012


FC Moto 650NK is a duplicate of Kawasaki ER-6

otoMan friend this time we will discuss about copy copy, or duplicate other words,,
Again, Chinese manufacturers make two-wheeled commotion lovers, especially lovers of motor sport. No half-hearted this time, aka motor Mocin emulate China's motor sport Kawasaki ER-6.

CF is the motto which is a Chinese motor manufacturer has introduced a new fleet which they named 650NK with an engine capacity of 650cc reached. FC does not stop there motto was now ready for mass produced motorcycle memuasakan their customers in China.

As reported by visidorwn, Thursday (30/06/2011) FC Moto 650NK has emerged in China and has met the dealers in China to form offered looked familiar because it has a remarkable similarity with the Kawasaki ER-6.

The resemblance was seen throughout the body belongs to FC Moto 650NK with Kawasaki ER-6. Like the shape of bones and body lines of the two vehicles.

Similarities can be seen in the headlamp's FC Moto-shaped oval, only there is a difference in the speedometer. When Kawasaki's ER-6 speedometer above the headlamp there like a hat, but for FC Moto has a speedometer that may be in a headlamp which has become one entity.

Further similarities were also seen in the fuel tank that carries the impression of a charming sports.

But there is little difference in side the tank lid. When FC motto 650NK, cover over and above the tank is then contained turn signal and engine cover into a separate section. While in the position of the Kawasaki ER-6 had no cover but there are only a tank of V Twin engine cover slightly angled shape and contained turn signal.

While upholstery seating for both rider this bike is different. FC Moto 650NK offers two separate setter, but for the Kawasaki ER-6 offered seatter form a unity and longer.
Subsequently found on the rear engine cover and step to put a foot for rear passengers. FC Moto form offered much stiffer with the look of two-dimensional. While the Kawasaki ER-6 is more feminine and attractive with only one bar offers a step.

The resemblance is very visible on the placement of the second exhaust this bike. But the only difference being the form of exhaust Kawasaki ER-6 is more pointy like a missile, while the FC's motto 650NK has a larger form.

So is the cover under the engine and exhaust under very similar, only the shapes are different vent.

And for the rest like the placement of the legs, back and front suspension, disc discs, body position and shape of bones are all the same frame.

Wow, terrific China for the umpteenth time, can provide a perfect duplicate.

ok so first discussion this time, hopefully can be an inspiration and information to help you,, (otoMan)

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Mobil Rp 13 juta akan Launching Tahun depan Di Indonesia?

kali ini kita akan membahas salah satu HOt topic,, wew mengapa di katakan hot karna emang panas banget kenapa panas?? karena ngga dingin huahhah just kiding,,,:P
baru-baru ini pabrikan mobil asal China, Geely siap membuat mobil murah sejagat dan menyebar ancaman untuk pesaingnya. kenapa mengancammm?? baca dulu deh ampe akhir arikel huhahaha...
Mobil anyar mereka Intelligent Geely (IG) yang sebelumnya tampil di ajang otomotif bergengsi Beijing Auto Show siap diproduksi pada 2012 dan dipasarkan 2013 mendatang. Mobil ini begitu memikat, apalagi target harga mobil ini juga sangat murah yakni hanya sebesar 10.000 RMB atau sekitar Rp 13 jutaan saja. Bila dilihat dari harganya, IG hampir sama dengan harga sebuah motor di Indonesia. gimana mengancam nggak?? daripada belu motor yang kepanasan kedinginan ke ujanan ya tohhhhh.. :P

kabar datang dari salah satu partner mereka di indonesia yaitu PT Geely Mobil Indonesia (GMI) menurut mereka tidak menutup kemungkinan akan mendatangkan mobil ini ke Indonesia. "IG siap dipasarkan 2013 nanti dengan harga 10.000 yuan. Bisa saja kita masukan juga kesini," ujar Presiden Direktur PT Geely Mobil Indonesia (GMI) A Budi Pramono kepada detikOto. Bila niatan GMI ini benar terlaksana, IG tentu menjadi pilihan menarik bagi mereka yang ingin beralih dari motor ke mobil.yo jelass lahh hihih ..

Sebab selain harganya tidak jauh beda dengan motor, mobil ini pun akan mematahkan predikat mobil termurah sejagat yang selama ini dipegang oleh Tata Nano yang saat ini sudah naik harga menjadi antara US$ 2.800-3.800 (Rp 26-35,2 juta).nah loh tuhh kan apa otoMan kata,, tata dado pun kalah murah hihih*upsss :P
Konsep IG sendiri tampil mengesankan di ajang Beijing Auto Show lalu dengan desain dan teknologi terkini. Pada model konsepnya, IG mengaplikasi pintu model sayap camar alias gullwing dengan lekuk tubuh yang futuristik. Sementara untuk dapur pacunya, Geely IG konsep tersebut sudah mengaplikasi teknologi hibrid dengan memadukan sebuah mesin konvensional berkapasitas 998 cc dan sebuah motor listrik. Dengan perpaduan dua kekuatan itu, Geely IG mampu melaju hingga ke kecepatan 150 km/jam. Kemampuan tersebut didapatnya berkat sumbangan tenaga dari mesin konvensional yang mampu mengeluarkan tenaga hingga 52 kW pada 6.000 RPM dengan torsi mencapai 93 Nm pada 3.400-3.800 RPM.

Sementara motor listrik yang digerakan oleh Iron Phosphate lithium-nya mampu menyemburkan tenaga hingga 60 kW pada putaran mesin 6.000 RPM dengan torsi mencapai 180 Nm pada 6.000 RPM. untuk ukuran indonesia tuh udah lebih dari cukuppp kaleee,,, lah wong jalanya aja seperti ini mana ada kolam renang ada di tengah jalan kalo bukan di negri tercinta ini hihihi pisss pak presiden,,,, gimana mau nunggu Honda tralis atau Nex Vixion,,, hihhhih monggo komentarnyam kawann,, :P (otoMan)

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Seventh Birthday!

As of yesterday, The Great Motorcycle Pizza Tour is seven years old.  I kind of can't believe it.  On the other hand, I can totally believe it.  I was re-reading some of my old posts, and cringing at the writing in some of them.  On the other hand, I felt pretty proud of a few of them.  Several of the posts from five years ago I could swear I'd just written last year.  

So, summer has arrived, and although I haven't been posting a lot recently, I haven't thrown in the towel on this blog yet either.  I hope you'll bear with me as I try to come up with ideas for more content.  Now that it's hot here in the desert, I may have to start doing pizza reviews for places in higher altitudes.  Or providing recipes for post-ride beverages.  Or something.

Anyway, thanks so much for reading along for the last several years!


Twelve Artists #06


Antonio Merinero

Originally from Madrid, Antonio Merinero is a graphic illustrator. He also travels the world on a motorcycle. Traveling feeds Antonio's imagination and much of his inspiration comes from his visits to Asia. He has worked with artists who create the Bollywood film posters, but also painters of trucks in India and Thailand.
Drawing, airbrushing, photography and collage are the mediums that this artist blends to produce his unique and illuminated style.
Antonio is riding down up from Madrid to join us in Biarritz for Wheels and Waves on his old Electra Glide and sleeping beneath the stars... Bon voyage!

Don't miss Antonio's exhibition next Friday


Friday, June 8, 2012


Stations of the Cross II

I've been out of town since the begining of May so it's really delayed the printing of a new batch of Cross T-shirts.

I plan on changing the design this time around. For starters, I'll make the image larger. A few people told me they would prefer it without the words Knuck, Pan, Shovel, Block, probably because they thought the old layout looked too swazi. Instead, I'm leaning towards putting the words at the bottom to play up the cross effect.

What do you guys think?

Design 1. Plain, without copy, or...

Design 2. Copy stacked at bottom.

Leave a comment or email me with your vote!

Also, unless I hear that there is a demand for others, I'll probably only make them in sizes; Large, XL, and XXL.


Motorcycle Picture of the Week - Ralph Nicola

Here are my Pictures of the Week as displayed on the Motorcycle Views Website. These pictures are taken from the Moto Pic Gallery. See Ralph Nicola's 2002 Victory Deluxe V92 Touring Cruiser under Bikes Only. There are no Men on Motorcycles, Trikes Only or Women on Motorcycles this week. We need more pictures of women with their motorcycles. Get your picture in. For details, see Motorcycle Pictures of the Week.


Bajaj Pulsar 200NS Muncul di Motorplus

sahabat otoMan,,,
kali ini kabar keluar dari si P200NS lagi,,, nih si P200NS bikin ulah lagi di motorplus huahahahha.. apasih ulahnya si P200NS ? langsung cek id dot aja yah hihih

akhir-akhir ini memang lagi gencar-gencarnya pemberitaan si Gen terbaru BAJAJ Pulsar yang nongol di mana-mana.. nah kali ini Media online se besar Motorplus pun ikut-ikutan membahas masalah nih motor,, katanya sih Pulsar 200NS sedang di test di Jakarta dan Pekanbaru. wedehhh dah dari dulu kali pak,, hihih *pisss

Menurut Rizal Tandju, Event & PR Manager PT Bajaj Auto Indonesia (BAI), pengetesan tersebut akan memakan waktu sampai 12 minggu. Ada 4 tester dengan karakter berkendara dan jalur yang berbeda-beda. Jarak tempuh sehari bisa 60-70 km. ohhhh pantas saja banyak spyshoot dimana-mana,, ternya satu hari jaraknya segitu toh,, mantap juga yah ,, lumayan bikin pegel badan,, huahhaha,,
“Semua input dari mereka langsung disampaikan ke Bajaj Auto Ltd. PT BAI malah tidak terlalu banyak ikut campur dalam pengetesan ini,” beber Rizal Tandju seperti di kutip motorplus online. oalahhhh,, trus BAI ngapainnnn hahahha*tanyadoang :P
jadi dengan proses yang sangat panjang tersebut BAI belum bisa menampilkan si P200NS tersebut di PRJ besok guna penyempurnaan komponen-komponen yang tidak cocok.
so buat pecinta P200NS jangan nangis guling-guling yah,, huahahah sabar aja,, otoMan juga kok,, hihiihi monggo komentarnya (otoMan)